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“In the memory of Galileo Galilei’s birth anniversary” Department of Physics & Mathematics Jointly organizes One Day National Webinar

Department of Physics and Department of Mathematics, R. R. Mehta College of Science, Palanpur jointly organized a one-day National Webinaron February 15, 2024 to mark the birth anniversary of Galileo Galilei. In which, Vedic Mathematics (Dr. Gopal Rathod), Digital Electronics (Dr. Darshan Vyas), Cyto Chemistry and Drug Research (Dr. Swati Jaiswal), Atomic Motion (Shri. Shravan Rathod) were provided guidance in two parallel sessions. In the opening of this webinar, Principal Dr. Y. B. Dabgar explained about the webinar and welcome participants. In this inaugural program, Prof. P. V. was Brief us about the Webinar. Successful management of the program was done by Dr. R. J. Pathak and Dr. A. D. Parmar, Dr. G. D. Acharya, Dr. M. K. Patel, Dr. K. P. Patel, Prof. D. S. Khilare, Dr. J. N. Patel, Dr. S. I. Gatiyala, Prof. Haresh Chaudhary, Prof. Sagar Nai, Dr. Dhruv Pandya, Mr. Mahesh Patel and Sevak Mitro Mr. Mahesh Bodat, Mr. Alkesh Thakar. In the webinar, more than 150 B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph. D. Students and staff members joined and made this webinar a success.